If you're using aniOS / Appledevice:

All payments in the game are processed by Apple, so make sure to configure device settings prior to making your order.

If you’ve made an order that has been processing for 24 hours or more, please contact iTunes Support here.

If you are not waiting on a purchase, please check the iTunes in-app purchase restriction guide for further information.

If you're using an  Android  device:

Google processes all payments made through the Google Play Store.

To resolve any related purchasing issues, please consult Google’s Support site here.

Emergency troubleshooting: Payment method greyed out / “not eligible”

1) If you are trying to pay with a credit/debit card, check the expiration date & billing address:
  • In the left hand navigation, select “Payment Methods”;
  • Check the card’s expiration date and billing address.

2) Check if the billing country and the legal country at https://pay.google.com/ match:

  • In the left hand navigation, select “Payment Methods”;
  • Check the payment methods’ billing country;
  • In the top right corner, click on the “gear” icon to access the “Settings” page;
  • Check the legal country.

3) Try a different payment method.

Payment method is declined by card issuer or carrier (usually “Payment method declined” error triggered):
Contact card issuer or carrier OR try a different payment method.